There are many reason why the public will need a Residential land survey. Some of which are listed below:
Sale of real property
Obtaining a building permit
Replacing a fence
Boundary dispute
Residential Boundary and Improvement surveys are one of the most common types of surveys in use by the general public. This is actually a bit more complex than simply measuring out the physical boundaries of the land. There is behind the scenes work that is done before and after a survey crew is sent to a property.
The first step in conducting a boundary survey is to begin a search of public records starting with the county central appraisal district and the the county clerk’s office. The researcher will gather deeds, easements, subdivision, plats and Floodplain information. A competent land surveyor will also conduct a records search on all adjoining properties.
Next, a skilled survey crew will conduct an “on the ground survey” under the direct supervision of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor. The crew will locate property monuments, buildings, fencing, pavement, visible utilities and other important features. The field crew will return the data to the office for a more involved boundary analysis.
The third step to preparing a residential boundary and improvement survey is once again turned over to the office staff where a survey tech or registered land surveyor will review the field data and determine a boundary.
Next a skilled Autocad technician will draft the survey. The drafter will create a map indicating improvement, easements, restrictions and building lines. It is important to have well trained drafters that are knowledgeable in boundary surveys.
The Final step in preparing a residential boundary and improvement survey is to have the Registered Land Surveyor review the survey for errors. Once satisfied with the quality of the survey results the Registered surveyor will sign and seal the final product.